Juniorprofessur für Theoretische Philosophie
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michela Summa
Institut für Philosophie
Residenz Südflügel (3. OG, Büro 3.41)
97070 Würzburg
Telefon: +49 (0)931/31-82033
Sprechstunden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit des Sommersemesters:
20.08, 27.08, 24.09
jeweils um 15:00 Uhr
Ort: Residenz Südflügel, 3. OG, Raum 3.41
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/25:
Übung Einführung in die formale Logik
Seminar Verstehen und Erklären in den Wissenschaften
Vorlesung Philosophische Grundlagen der Wissenschaften I
Seminar Stanley Cavell: Philosophy and the Ordinary
- Berufung auf die Juniorprofessur für Theoretische Philosophie (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Phänomenologie) an der Universität Würzurg zum Wintersemester 2018/19
- Sommersemester 2018: Gastprofessur am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Kassel
- Seit 2015 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Habilitandin am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Würzburg.
- Von 2009 bis 2015 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Sektion Phänomenologie der Klinik für Allgemeine Psychiatrie in Heidelberg.
- 2010 in Pavia und Leuven mit einer Dissertation über »Raum-Zeitlichkeit in Husserls transzendentaler Ästhetik« promoviert.
- Studium der Philosophie in Pavia und in Leuven.
- Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung und sinnlicher Erfahrung;
- Phänomenologie der Imagination und der Fiktion;
- Phänomenologische Ästhetik;
- Phänomenologie der Subjektivität, der Intersubjektivität und der sozialen Erfahrung;
- Verhältnis zwischen Phänomenologie, Kognitionswissenschaften und Psychopathologie.
Publikationen/List of Publications
Summa, M. (2014). Spatio-Temporal Intertwining. Husserl’s Transcendental Aesthetic, Dordrecht: Springer (Phaenomenologica 213). (Reviewed by Philipp Schmidt in “Journal für Philosophie” 43, 2015, 84-88 and by Marco Cavallaro in “Husserl Studies” 32(1), 2016, 91-99; awarded with the 2016 Edwin Ballard Prize in Phenomenology).
Edited Books and Journals:
- Summa M., Klein M. & Schmidt, P. (2022). Special issue of Topoi on “Double intentionality”
- Summa M.& Mertens K. (2022). Das Exemplarische: Orientierung für menschliches Wissen und Handeln. Paderborn: Mentis
- Summa M. & Mertens K. (2021). Special issue of Discipline Filosofiche on “Exemplarity as a Pattern of Thought in Aesthetic Cognition”
- Caminada E. & Summa, M. (2020). Special issue of Phenomenological Reviews on “Giovanni Piana”
- Summa, M. & Müller, J. (2018). Special issue of Phänomenologische Forschungen. “Modes of Intentionality. Phenomenological and Medieval Perspectives” (2/2018)
- Summa, M., Fuchs, T. & Vanzago, L. (2018). Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology. London/New York: Routledge.
- Caminada E. & Summa, M. (2015). Thematic Issue of Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy "Supervenience and the Theory of Experience. Assessing the Explanatory and Descriptive Power of a Formal Concept." 3(2)
- Summa M. & Giuffrida P. (2013) Thematic Issue of Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy on “Naturalism and Subjectivity” 1(2)
- Koch S., Fuchs T., Summa M., Müller C. (2012) Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Journal Articles
a. Peer reviewed
Summa, M. (2023) Desiring to Know: Curiosity as a Tendency toward Discovery. Human Studies. Online first
Summa, M. (2023). “Aesthetic normativity and deviation. A reading of Hume’s Of the Standard of Taste”. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 16-33
Summa, M. (2023). “Insincere Promises. What do they tell us about the nature of social acts?. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy XIX, 113-131
Summa, M. (2022). “Pain Memory and Actualization. Opening and Foreclosing Possibilities”. Discipline Filosofiche, XXII/1: 99-123.
Summa, M. (2022). “Phenomenological explanation: toward a methodological Integration in phenomenological psychopathology”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 22, 719-741
Summa, M., Klein, M., Schmidt, P. (2022). „Introduction: Double Intentionality“. Topoi 41: 93-109.
Summa, M. (2021). “How are Fictions Given? An attempt to conjoin the ‘artifactual theory’ and the ‘imaginary-object theory’”. Synthese Topical Collections: Demistifying the Given. 199, 13749-13769 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11229-021-03396-x
Summa, M. (2020). “Phenomenology of imagining and the pragmatics of fictional language”. Continental Philosophy Review. 53, 465-486
Summa, M. (2020). “Über Normalität und Abweichung. Ein responsiver Ansatz“. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68/1, 79-100.
Summa M. (2019). “Is Make-Believe Only Reproduction? Remarks on the Role of Fiction in Shaping our Sense of Reality”. Social Imaginaries 5/1, 97-120.
Summa M. (2019). “Are Fictional Emotions Genuine and Rational? Phenomenological Reflections on a Controversial Question”. In: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, XVII, 246-267.
Summa M. and Mertens K. (2018). “Shaping Actions. On the Role of Attention and Ascription in the Formation of Intentions within Behavior.” Phaenomenologische Forschungen 2/2018, 177-196.
Müller J. and Summa M. (2018). “Modes of Intentionality. Phenomenological and Medieval Perspectives.”Phaenomenologische Forschungen, 5-24.
Summa M. (2017). “Phantasie, Interaktion und Perspektivenübernahme in Als-Ob Situationen. Eine phänomenologische Analyse”. Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal.
Summa, M. (2017). “Towards a Phenomenological Account of Creativity. Kant and Merleau-Ponty on the Creative Power of Judgment and Creativity as Institution”. Continental Philosophy Review 50 (1), 105-126.
Van Duppen, Z., Summa, M. Fuchs, T. (2015). “Psychopathologie en film: een waardevolle interactie?”. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 57, 596-603.
Summa M. & Fuchs, T. (2015). “Self-Experience in Dementia”. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 6 (2), 387-405
Summa M. (2015). “Normalità o processi di normalizzazione? Le analisi husserliane sulla dimensione orto-estetica e il carattere dinamico dell’esperienza percettiva. » Paradigmi, 73-90.
Summa M. (2014). “Enacting Perception. The Relevance of Phenomenology”. Paradigmi 3/2014, 97-115.
Summa M. (2014). “The Disoriented Self. Layers and Dynamics of Self-Experience in Dementia and Schizophrenia”. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13(3), 477-496.
Koch S., Fuchs T., Summa M. (2014) “Body Memory and Kinesthetic Body Feedback. The Impact of Light vs Strong Movement Qualities on Affect and Cognition”. Memory Studies, 7 (3), 272-284.
Summa M. (2013). “Process and Relation. Husserl’s Theory of Individuation Revisited”. The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 12, 109-135.
Summa, M. (2012). “Is This Self-Evident? The Phenomenological Method and the Psychopathology of Common Sense”. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 191-207.
Summa, M. (2012). “Zwischen Erinnern und Vergessen. Implizites Leibgedächtnis und das Selbst am Beispiel der Demenz-Erkrankungen”. Phänomenologische Forschungen (2011) 163-182.
Summa, M. (2011). “Das Leibgedächtnis. Ein Beitrag aus der Phänomenologie Husserls”. Husserl Studies 27(3), 173-196.
b. Not peer reviewed
- Summa, M. and Mertens, K (2021). “Introduction: Exemplarity. A pattern of thought for aesthetic cognition. Discipline Filosofiche , 5-21
- Caminada, E. and Summa, M (2020). “Giovanni Piana: The epistemic virtues of phenomenology as method”. Special issue of Phenomenological Reviews on “Giovanni Piana” online
- Caminada, E. and Summa, M. (2015). “Introduction”. Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3(2), 7-18.
- Summa M. and Giuffrida P. (2013) “Introduction”. Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1(2), 7-12
- Summa, M. (2011). “Ein Philosoph der Endlichkeit. Neue Literatur zu Hans Georg Gadamer.” InPhilosophische Rundschau 58(1), 45-53.
- Summa, M. (2006) “Soggettività al plurale. Quando la fenomenologia della temporalità incontra l’altro”. In Elites 4, 55-66.
- Summa, M. (2005), “Il tempo della coscienza: I "Bernauer Manuskripte" di Husserl”. In Oltrecorrente 10, 151-160.
- Summa, M. (2005), “Costituzione e autocostituzione temporale della soggettività in E. Husserl”. In Elites 3, 36-55.
Book chapters
- Summa M. (2023). “Is imagination a ‘necessary ingredient of perception’? Sellars’ and Husserl’s variations on a Kantian theme”. In: D. De Santis and D. Manca Sellars and Phenomenology. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 177-210
- Summa M. & Mertens K. (2022). Einleitung. Das Exemplarische. Eine Orientierung für menschliches Wissen und Handeln. Paderborn: Mentis, vii-xxxv.
- Summa, M. (2022). “La funzione dell’esempio e il paradigma del giudizio in Kant e Husserl“. In: F. Masi, R. Melisi, F. Seller (eds.), Tra experientia ed experimentum. Medioevo e modernità a confronto. Milano: Mimesis, 131-158
- Summa M. (2022). “On the functions of examples in critical philosophy: Kant and Husserl. In: A. S. Aldea, D. Carr and S. Heinämaa, Why Method Matters: Phenomenology as Critique. London: Routledge, 25-43
- Summa M. (2022). “Imaginative resistance and self-experience in fiction”. In: T. Breyer, M. Cavallaro and R.Y. Sandoval (eds). Darmstadt: WBG, 207-230.
- Summa M. (2021). „Husserl’s phenomenology of acts of imagination“. In: Hanne Jacobs (ed.). The Husserlian Mind. London/New York: Routledge, 208-219.
- Summa M. (2020). „Merleau-Ponty: Ein relationaler Ansatz zur Metaphysik“. In: Tobias Keiling (ed.). Phänomenologische Metaphysik. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 235-263
- Summa M. (2020). “Joy and happiness”. In: Thomas Szanto and Hilge Landweer (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotions, London: Routledge, 416-425
- Summa M. (2020). “Imaginativer Widerstand und Selbstverhältnis bei der Erfahrung von Fiktionen“. In: Karel Novotny and Katrin Nielsen (Ed.). Die Welt und das Reale. Nordhausen: Traugott Bauz
- Summa M. (2020). “Expression and the Performative. A Reassessment”. In: Lucilla Guidi and Thomas Rentsch (Eds.). Phenomenology as Performative Exercise. Leiden: Brill, 99-119.
- Summa M. (2018). “Experiencing Reality and Fiction: Discontinuity and Permeability”. In: Michela Summa, Thomas Fuchs and Luca Vanzago (Eds.), Imagination and Social Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 45-64.
- Summa M., Fuchs T., Vanzago L. (2018). “Introduction: Imagination and Social Perspectives. Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology”. In: Michela Summa, Thomas Fuchs and Luca Vanzago (Eds.), Imagination and Social Perspectives. London/New York: Routledge, 1-20.
- Summa M. (2017). “Empathy and Anti-Empathy. Which Are the Problems?”. In: Elisa Magrì and Dermot Moran (Eds.). Edith Stein and Phenomenology. Heidelberg: Springer. 87-106.
- Summa M. (2017). “Phenomenology of Imaginal Space”. In: Maria Teresa Catena and Felice Masi (Eds.) The Changing Faces of Space. Heidelberg: Springer. 75-99.
- Summa M (2017). “Formale und transzendentale Logik”. In: Sebastian Luft and Maren Wehrle (Eds.), Husserl: Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler, 83-90.
- Summa M. (2016). “Pretence and the Inner. Reflections on Expressiveness and the Experience of Self and Other”. In: Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37. International Wittgenstein Symposium “Analytic and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives”. Berlin: De Gruyter, 309-322.
- Summa M. (2016). “Imaginative Dimensions of Reality: Pretense, Knowledge, and Sociality”. In: Richard Sebold and Jack Reynolds (Eds.), Phenomenology and Sciences. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 205-224.
- Summa, M. (2016). “Gefühl, Emotion und Erinnerung beim traumatisierten Selbst. Eine Frage der Kohärenz?”. In: Reinhold Esterbauer, Philipp Schmidt, Andrea Paletta, & David Duncan (Eds.), Bodytime. Leib und Zeit bei Burnout und in anderen Grenzerfahrungen. München: Alber, pp. 307-329.
- Summa M. (2015) “Ein sinnloses Gewühl? Die Hypothese des Chaos und ihre Implikationen bei Kant und Husserl.” In Ästhetisches Wissen, hrsg. v. C. Asmuth und P. Remmers, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter, 189-210.
- Summa M. (2015). “Are Emotions Recollected in Tranquility? Phenomenological Reflections on Emotions, Memory, and the Temporal Dynamics of Experience” In M. Ubiali & M. Wehrle (eds): Edmund Husserl on: Feeling and Value, Willing and Action, Heidelberg, Springer, 163-181.
- Summa M. (2014). “Epoché und methodische Integration als Grundlagen für Blankenburgs Psychopathologie des common sense” In S. Micali, T. Fuchs, M. Heinze (eds): Wolfgang Blankenburg – Phänomenologie und Psychiatrie, Freiburg-München: Alber, 55-79
- Summa M. (2014) “Der Gegenstand ohne Begriff und die Schichtung der Erfahrung bei Husserl und Kant”, in Husserl und die klassische deutsche Philosophie. Faustino Fabbianelli and Sebastian Luft (eds.). Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 133-145
- Summa, M. (2013), “(Un-)Selbstverständlichkeit. Il metodo fenomenologico nella psichiatria tra Husserl e Blankenburg”. In E. Baccarini and M. Deodati, Husserl domani, Roma: Aracne, 253-276
- Summa, M. (2012). “Body Memory and the Genesis of Meaning”. In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 23-41.
- Summa, M., Koch, S. Fuchs, T. Müller C. (2012). “Body Memory. An Integration”. In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 427-444.
- Kolter A., Ladewig S., Summa M., Koch S., Müller C., Fuchs T. (2012). “The Emergence of Body Memory and Metaphor in Movement. A Case Study.” In Koch, Fuchs, Summa, Müller. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 201-226.
- Summa, M. (2011). “„Eine Totalität der Perspektive für mich“ Das Spannungsfeld der subjektiven Erfahrung zwischen Kompossibilität und Inkompossibilität”. In Römer, I. (ed.), Phänomenologie der Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 41-54
Reviews and conference reports
- Summa, M. (2015). Antonio Calcagno’s “Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein”. Human Studies 38/4, 591-600.
- Summa M. (2014) Dominique Pradelle: Par delà la revolution copernicienne. Sujet transcendantal et facultés chez Kant et Husserl. In Husserl Studies 30, 89-99
- Summa, M., Finetti, S. (2010) Merleau-Ponty. Penser sans dualismes aujourd’hui, in Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 1/2010, 159-162.
- Summa, M. (2006), Ichiro Yamaguchi “Passive Synthesis und Intersubjektivität bei Edmund Husserl”, in Chora 12/2006, 95-100.
- From Italian into English: Piana, Giovanni (2016). “Phenomenology as Phenomenological Method.” In: Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy.
- From French into Italian: Daumal, René (2014). Poesia bianca e poesia nera. Roma: Castelvecchi.
- From German into Italian: Held, Klaus (2014), “Esperienza temporale generativa”. In: Paradigmi 2/2014, 11-30.
- From Dutch into Italian: Moyaert, Paul (2007) “Contro i calunniatori delle immagini”. In Oltrecorrente 13/2007, 87-112.
- From Italian into German: Vanzago, Luca (2007), “Hyperdialektik und die Entstehung der Subjektivität. Zur Politik bei Merleau-Ponty”. In Leghissa, G., Staudigl, M. (ed.), Lebenswelt und Politik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 161-180.
- From Italian into English: Piana, Giovanni (2016). “Phenomenology as Phenomenological Method.” In: Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy.
- From French into Italian: Daumal, René (2014). Poesia bianca e poesia nera. Roma: Castelvecchi.
- From German into Italian: Held, Klaus (2014), “Esperienza temporale generativa”. In: Paradigmi 2/2014, 11-30.
- From Dutch into Italian: Moyaert, Paul (2007) “Contro i calunniatori delle immagini”. In Oltrecorrente 13/2007, 87-112.
- From Italian into German: Vanzago, Luca (2007), “Hyperdialektik und die Entstehung der Subjektivität. Zur Politik bei Merleau-Ponty”. In Leghissa, G., Staudigl, M. (ed.), Lebenswelt und Politik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2007, 161-180.
- Summa M. (2018) “On the Genuineness and Rationality of Fictional Emotion: A Phenomenological Approach”. The Junkjard of the Mind. Published on 11.04.2018
- Summa M. (2017) “(Tagungsbericht) Phenomenology and Ecology. Conference in Honour of Prof. Ullrich Melle”. Et al. Ein Blog für phänomenologische Philosophie. Published on 10.07.2017 (http://et-al.ophen.org/2017/07/10/phenomenology-and-ecology-conference-in-honour-of-prof-ullrich-melle-leuven-15-16-juni-2017/)
- Summa M. (2016) “The Disoriented Self”. Imperfect Cognitions. Published on 26.01.2016 (http://imperfectcognitions.blogspot.de/2016/01/the-disoriented-self.html)
- Summa M. (2016) “Experiencing Fictions”. Center for Subjectivity Research. Published on 12.12.2016 (http://cfs.ophen.org/2016/12/12/michela-summa-experiencing-fictions/)